The Faith Experiment

Week 10

The Faith Experiment Week 10

Begin with sharing which devotional from The Faith Experiment touched you the most. 

Have you ever had any bad experiences regarding church, faith and money? Has this caused a breach of trust about giving to faith-based organizations?


Has there been moments in your life when you HAD to trust God with your finances? How did that work out for you?


Share where you feel you are and how you are growing on your Generosity Journey to the rest of the group.


Read Luke 12:21 What does it mean to be rich towards God? What does it mean to lay up (or provide for yourself) treasures in heaven? (See below)



Bonus Reflections from the Biblical Text

Matt 6:19-24

Luke 12:15,21


       Being rich toward God means to count God himself as your riches. If you are looking about for where to be rich, focus on God. He is your great reward. (Luke 12:21)


       How you provide for yourselves treasures in heaven is that you take your money and you demonstrate your freedom from it. It is not your God! It is not your treasure! You love the people of God’s kingdom, and you want people to love God, so you are displaying the love of God to them by sharing more of what you have within His kingdom. This is the Generosity Journey! In doing that you demonstrate your freedom from money. (Luke 12:15)


       Don’t let what you want rob you of what you have. (Luke 12:15)


       Introspective question from Pastor Josh during his message. (No need to discuss, but personally reflect). What if we realized that all of the money that came through my hands went for naught in my lifetime?