The Faith Experiment

Week 11

The Faith Experiment Week 10

Begin with sharing which devotional from The Faith Experiment touched you the most. 

       Where are your relationships taking you? Are they taking you in a good direction?


       In your relationships, how transparent can you be?


       Are you chasing relationships that will leave a legacy?


Bonus Reflections from the Biblical Text

Proverbs 13:20

1 Thess 5:9-11

1 Cor 15:33

Eccl 4:9-10


       Pastor Jason said, “God created us in community to be in community.”  When we reject the help and influence of others then our lives take on a significant burden of their own. (Eccl 4:9-10)

       Don’t wait for a crisis to establish good relationships. Do you get up feeling gung-ho for Jesus in the morning? Most people do not. They must preach to themselves, read Scripture and pray. Do that for yourself, do it for the dying, and do it for the grieving too, but don’t wait for the crisis.

       Paul says we deceive ourselves if we think we are unaffected by ungodly people, but the goal is not to isolate. (1 Cor 15:33) The goal is to be in strong relationships with Godly people which will put us in a better position to influence ungodly people more than they will influence us. (1 Thess 5:11)

       You were not appointed for the day of wrath. (1 Thess 5:9) That’s just not something that unbelievers say to each other, but believers do! We need relationships that will remind us that God is for us while we live and when we die. (1 Thess 5:10) Relationships with these components are the ones that build a legacy for this life and the next.