The Faith Experiment

Week 9

The Faith Experiment Week 9

Begin with sharing which devotional from The Faith Experiment touched you the most. 

Why do we struggle sometimes to obey? What area do you feel exempt from obeying? What excuses are you believing as to why you are exempt?


Bonus Reflections from the Biblical Text

Judges 6-7

John 14:15-24

2 John 1:3-11


  • As you look back on your story, share about a time when you chose obedience. What was the outcome? Why did obedience matter?
  • On Sunday we learned about Gideons imperfect journey to obedience in Judges 6-7. He faced many hurdles (perceived identity, family, cultural, fear, and impossible situations). What has been your greatest hurdle in obeying God? 
  • What would God say about the hurdles that we just mentioned?
  • Where is God asking you for greater obedience? What is your first step?