

Mergers are a great strategy to amplify our reach within our communities and advance the Gospel. We believe we are better together. 

What is a church merger?

A merger is simply two or more churches becoming one – committing to work together as a vibrant, healthy expression of Christ’s body – the Church – for multiplied impact.


We would love to have a conversation! Contact us at merger@lakeland.church or follow the link below to get started. We look forward to hearing from you.


We have highlighted a few resources to help inspire conversations about mergers at your church or others in your network. Share your questions and stories with us – we’d love to be a part of your journey! merger@lakeland.church

The Unstuck Church Podcast – Church Mergers Episode 89

A successful merger results in healthy congregations, increased attendance, volunteers, financial sustainability, multiplied impact and ultimately a multiplied number of churches… – Tony Morgan

Better Together Book

Mission-driven church mergers have tremendous potential to exponentially expand the impact of strong, vibrant churches as well as to revitalize plateaued and declining churches. – Jim Tomberlin

House Renovation

Specializing in all phases of residential design and interiors, our goal is to truly transform your space into a home which reflects your individuality. We change the function and energy of your space to fit your lifestyle and your aesthetics. Let us help you with the transformation of your space whether you are looking to remodel or a new build. Our full range of services include space planning, furniture selections, kitchen and bath design, an architectural space review and accessorizing.