In the 2017 annual report, I wrote this…
This year marked 7 years for Lisa and I here at Lakeland. Within the Bible God often worked in 7-year sequences. When I consider the past 7 years I feel like God was ESTABLISHING us. I’ve been praying about the next 7 years and all that “could be” in the heart of God for us to accomplish as a church. I sense the Lord is calling us to take even bigger steps of faith. Trust Him more. Listen more intently. Walk more diligently with Him.
Along with that, I find myself believing that God has so much more for us to accomplish and believing this first 7 years was just the beginning.
Those 7 years I was praying for and dreaming for have come to a completion. And when I think about these past 7 years (as God often works in 7 year seasons) I would summarize them with this word…FRUITFUL.
25% growth year over year/ 122 Baptisms/ 54% growth in student attendance/ 50,000+ people coming to Lakeland Park/ etc.
As I look at the numbers and hear the stories from this past year, I’m constantly humbled and reminded where the FRUIT of Lakeland’s ministry comes from. It’s because of the PEOPLE of Lakeland who are doing the work of the ministry that we are seeing much FRUIT.
Not a week goes by that I don’t hear a story of someone bringing a friend to church for the first time ever. Not a week goes by that I don’t hear of someone’s life being impacted by the people and ministry of Lakeland. Not a week goes by that I don’t hear of someone taking their first step of faith.
I’m blown away by the FRUIT being produced at Lakeland.
Let’s never take it for granted. Let’s never become complacent. Let’s pray and believe for MORE.
May our prayer for the next 7 years be once again… let’s take even bigger steps of faith. Trust Him more. Listen more intently. Walk more diligently with Him.
And may God MULTIPLY our efforts and our FRUIT beyond what we could ask or imagine.
Your Pastor,