
Lakeland Church is a vibrant, growing community of Christ-followers in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, that is leading people to follow Jesus, be changed by Jesus, and commit to the mission of Jesus…because lives are at stake.  We fight to keep things simple.  Our passion to share the gospel of Jesus is creating inspirational growth.  We are eager to expand without splintering, to spread the gospel without compromising the story—and that’s where you come in. 

The Vision for Groups

No One Battles Alone. Let’s be honest…The world looks quite different than it did just a few years ago.  So many changes and uncertainties have left us on edge and catching our breath. We have never been more aware of the challenges and the battles that we face every day. That’s why at Lakeland Church we are calling everyone who engages with Lakeland into a group…because no one battles alone.

We are currently looking to add a FULL-TIME GROUPS PASTOR to round out our expanding Groups Department. This opportunity will be leading Lakeland to reach and disciple the Hispanic community in our area – Fluency in Spanish a must!

You Will:

    • Be a Champion: Champion the vision of groups through a leadership pipeline of Coaches and Leaders with healthy spans of care. Also rally key leaders to monthly Leadership Team huddles.
    • Create a Connection Culture: Embody the role as a culture creator and instigator that is setting into motion a relentless strategy of connecting Lakelanders and non-Lakelanders in groups.
    • Be a Constant Recruiter: Excel as a talent scout who is always on the lookout to identify, invite, and empower more leaders to launch new group opportunities.
    • Drive Discipleship: Lead by example to raise the discipleship temperature of Lakeland Church through intentional 3D Conversations (Discipleship, Development, and DNA) with your core leaders.
    • Cultivate Teamwork: Contribute to the success of connection, appreciation, and training for the Groups Department.
    • Make it Better: Continually assess progress of the group initiatives under your lead and pivot to unlock success defined as a greater number of stories and people being changed by Jesus.
    • Collaborate: Engage in weekly staff meetings, Groups Department meetings, and one-on-one meetings with Groups Lead Pastor for 3D Conversations.

This is NOT your next assignment if…

    • You are content with the relational warmth of the living room. Instead, we are looking for visionary leaders who see beyond the living room to clusters of “living rooms” across a region.
    • You stick to what you know and who you know. Instead, we are looking for team members who are fueled by learning new things AND inviting new people along for the journey.
    • You prefer the office over the coffeeshop. Instead, we are looking for electric connectors that still know how to get things done and meet deadlines.
    • You have an “I’ll just do it myself and I’ll do it right” mindset. Instead, we identify, invite, and empower knowing our impact through others has a Kingdom multiplier attached to it. This is team, team, team – from start to finish.
    • You are random, scattered, and messy in your approach. Instead, we value excellence over excuses. We value quality, knowing it leads to quantity.   

Are you interested in exploring this as God’s next assignment for you? Don’t wait! Get in on the frontside of this exciting vision at Lakeland Church. God’s design for you and for His Church will be our rally cry for groups – no one battles alone.