Complete the 5-Day Field Guide for this step. Consider journaling what you discover.
Visit and search 2-3 questions that you have wondered about. Navigate your response with a Discipleship Pathway Team Member. Contact to set that up.
Preview the ALPHA Film Series by clicking here. Find an ALPHA Course that is being offered at Lakeland or near you. Click here.
You completed your first step on the Discipleship Pathway! We’d love to celebrate with you and help you in any way that we can. Reach out to or click the button below. Way to go!
WIN: Capture a fresh look at the Church and what it was designed to be.
Starter Questions
In this week’s video, Char (a former agnostic) described some of her life before Jesus. Can you relate to anything she shared? How is your experience or perspective different than hers?
Play the word association game for yourself. What word comes to mind when you think of truth? Jesus? Christians? The Church?
What was your first experience with church? Was it positive, negative, or neutral?
WIN: To define Truth as God defines it and identify where disciples of Jesus find it.
Starter Questions
What is your personal response to what Pastor Jayson shared in the video? Do you agree/disagree? Were there ideas that challenged your viewpoint? Did you learn anything new?
Based on your story up to this point, how do you determine what is true and what is false?
Even as a not-yet-follower of Jesus, do you know of any gaps between your beliefs and God’s truth? If so, what are they?
Win: To understand what Salvation means, why we need it, and how we get it.
Starter Questions
Have you ever been saved from something?
In the video, Pastor Josh said, “Faith in Jesus is what makes you right with God.” Have you heard this concept before? What are your initial thoughts or reaction to this statement?
Did you pray to receive Christ into your life during the video? Why or why not?
Ask a follower of Jesus to share how they became a Christian. Unlocking someone else’s story often helps us understand our own.
Click below to let us know when you’ve completed this stage. We are cheering you forward in your journey! We are also here to help if you have any questions you are wrestling with.
Complete the 5-Day Field Guide on what the Bible says about the Church. Consider journaling what you discover.
Do you know people who go to church regularly? Ask two people why this is important to their faith. What did you learn about church from their answers?
Reread Matthew 28:18-20. This is Jesus’ initial call to be the Church – a movement of people around the message of Jesus. Journal about what stands out most to you. If you don’t have a Bible, download the Bible App or purchase a physical copy. We recommend the New Living Translation.
Be sure to let us know when you have finished this step by clicking the button below. We are so excited to join you on the Pathway!
Complete the 5-Day Field Guide on what the Bible says about friendships and relationships. Consider journaling what you discover.
Text or talk with someone who you consider to have really great relationships. Ask their advice on making relationships work.
Make a list of your friendships and relationships – at work, at home, in the community, and other places. Get honest! Put a “W” next to wise friends and an “F” next to foolish friends. What does this exercise show you about your friendships and relationships?
Be sure to let us know when you have finished this step by clicking the button below. Way to go on continuing the journey!
Win: To personally redefine what prayer is and begin to find your voice in it.
Starter Questions
Have you ever asked someone to pray for you? Or have you ever prayed for someone else? As you reflect back, why was that the appropriate response to the situation?
Do you feel there are certain things you can or cannot pray for?
Do you think God always answers prayers? Explain more.
Complete the 5-Day Field Guide on what the Bible says about prayer. Consider journaling what you discover.
Take on Taylor’s dare at the end of the video: Pray this week! Consider writing out prayers or using the acronym A.C.T.S. (Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication) as a starting point.
Reread the Lord’s Prayer in the Bible in Matthew 6:9-13. Take your time, thinking about each phrase before going on to the next. If you don’t have a Bible, download the Bible App or purchase a physical copy. We recommend the New Living Translation.
Way to go on completing this stage; we have a gift for you! Please click the button below – we’d love to celebrate with you!
Complete the 5-Day Field Guide on what the Bible says about itself. Consider journaling what you discover.
Download the YouVersion Bible App and start exploring the options available to you.
Purchase a Bible if you don’t have one – we recommend New Living Translation or New International Version. Need help purchasing one? We’d love to give you one as a gift. Email to get started.
Way to go on completing this stage! Please click the button below – we’d love to celebrate with you!