The Faith Experiment Week 2




1.     How do you see, falling into sin and living in sin?  Do you see a difference…Do you think it may have different impacts upon our faith?


2.     How does that make you feel?


3.     I spoke about a few key steps you can take that will help protect your relationship with God and keep us from sin…what key steps have you discovered in your life to be helpful to keep you from sin?


Bonus Reflections from the Biblical Text for Discussions


       There is a legitimate ask and a non-legitimate ask. Motive matters. Tripping into sin and deliberately living in sin is different. (James 4:3)

       Friendship is an invitation to influence. You will be the average of the 5 people you hang out with the most.  (James 4:4 & 1 Cor 15:33)

       Humility and humiliation are not the same. Humiliation brings shame while humility brings freedom. (James 4:6)

       Resist the devil and temptation by reviewing the areas of your life that tempt you (4:7)

       You’ll never get the result you want with a half-hearted effort in seeking God. Chase hard after him and he will meet you! (James 4:8)

       We can flee temptation. God will make an escape for you! (2 Timothy 2:22 & 1 Cor 10:13)

       We can fall into it. (Matthew 26:41)

       We can be aware of it. (1 Corinthians 16:13)

       Getting back to God is only one turn away! He’s closer than you think. Don’t let the devil deceive you that it will take forever to get back to Him!