Jesus Over Everything Week 2

Welcome to week two of Jesus Over Everything! The Holy Spirit has gotten us off to a good start with two great messages so far in the series. Pastor Josh discussed in the beginning of his message how he always looks forward to the activities that the next season will bring (waterskiing, snow skiing, etc.). Based on this reflection we have the starter questions below.


1)    Autumn has arrived! What activities do you look forward to in this season?

2)    Last week, Pastor Josh discussed how all of creation was made through Jesus Christ. How does the season of Autumn cause you to reflect on how Jesus is Over all of creation?


***For Leaders – Autumn is a season that can cause us to reflect on the beauty of God’s creation. We never grow out of reflecting on the sovereignty of God in creation! Feel free to share Psalm 66:4 with your group, All the earth worships you and sings praises to you; they sing praises to your name”.


Focus Questions: Going Deeper Together.

Read Colossians 1:24a,29-2:1 “Now I rejoice in what I am suffering for you…and To this end I strenuously contend with all the energy Christ so powerfully works in me.  I want you to know how hard I am contending for you and for those at Laodicea, and for all who have not met me personally.“

1)    Paul was arrested and in prison when he wrote this epistle. In summary, he says that he contends for others because Christ was contending for us on the cross. Has there ever been a time in your life where you had to contend for or “go to bat” for someone else? How did it turn out?

2)    Paul says he’s contending for people in both Colosse, Laodicea, and for people who have not met him personally. Have you ever made a sacrifice or suffered for someone whom you have not personally met? If so, how was it rewarding?

***For Leaders – Give people time to think hard about question #2 and don’t be afraid of silence for a bit while people think. Those are powerful moments in the Holy Spirit! Examples of “contending for” or making a sacrifice for someone we have not met can be supporting a child overseas, donating a vehicle or giving to a family facing the hardships of having a parent/spouse in prison. There are more examples out there. These sacrifices may not feel “rewarding” (and that’s OK) since we may not know how our sacrifice plays out. Sometimes it’s more about our obedience than our reward. Take whatever time is necessary as the Holy Spirit could be calling people to make some sacrifices for people they do not personally know.

3)    When Pastor Josh read Col 1:28, he asked, “What are you a proclaimer of?” What was the response in your heart? Were you happy with that?

4)    Pastor Josh also said, “If Christ is over everything in my life…What does it look like for Christ to be #1 in what I pour myself into? Share with the group as to what you think that would look like.

Bonus Question: What was the most challenging thing for you that Josh stated on Sunday? Has it already been discussed?

Closing Moments.


Take prayer requests and pray for one another. Before you pray, ask the question again if there is anyone that people feel they need to invite to the Jesus Over Everything series. Ask anyone if they would like any follow up between your group time and the next Sunday Service. It doesn’t have to be the leader to follow up! You can specifically ask someone to follow up with a person or you can ask for a volunteer if you feel your group members are mature enough.