Jesus Over Everything Week 8




Welcome to our last week of Jesus Over Everything! Coming to the close of a study is a special time for your Group! This will be a great week to close out this study and prepare ourselves for the next one. Instead of doing the usual icebreakers, ask your team about any memorable or “aha” moments that they made have had over the last eight weeks.




1)    What was the most memorable thing for you that Josh shared on a Sunday during Jesus Over Everything the last eight weeks?

2)    Ask each person to share what they heard from someone else in the group that touched their heart.


***For Leaders – We finished up the “MOVE” series the same way by asking each person to share how someone else has touched their heart. People will be able to hear what they are contributing to the group from someone else. Don’t rush and give people time to reflect. It can be a good strategy to talk to a couple of your more vocal people prior to Group time and tell them what you will be doing.


Going Deeper


Based off of Col 3:18-24 Pastor Josh said on Sunday that we need to bring two things into healthy relationships. If we get lazy in either of the two, then things will go south. 1) Relationships deserve your “A” game. 2) What I bring to the relationship is never contingent on what they bring to the relationship.

1)     What does it look like when we don’t give relationships our “A” game in our lives? In marriage? As parents? In work life? In friendships?

2)    How do you still bring your “A” game to relationships when you are tired?

3)    Are we obligated in social media to give relationships our “A” Game? If yes, how then is that possible when we have only so much “bandwidth”? If no, then how do you propose reaching people whose only relational outlet is social media?

4)    Pastor Josh explained on Sunday that we need to “be Christ” in relationships. When was the last time you had “to be Christ” in a relationship that was not contingent on the other person? (A couple of examples: 1. Apologizing to someone that does not apologize back. 2. Helping someone to move when they ask you, but when you ask them for something…they don’t help.)

5)    Follow-up question to number four. Should we STOP relationships when we find that we are the one that forgives? Or we are the only one that seems to give, but we receive little to nothing in return? If no, how do we not become burned out? If yes, doesn’t Scripture say to give and expect nothing in return? (see Luke 6:35)

Closing Prayer – Hard questions this week! Many of us find ourselves in challenging positions in relationships when one answer doesn’t fit each scenario. Pray for each other for wisdom in relationships, especially with the holidays around the corner.