The Faith Experiment Week 3

The Faith Experiment Week 3


Mark 10:13-16

Matthew 19:13-15

Luke 18:15-17


 Begin by sharing your favorite devotional from The Faith Experiment since you last met.


1)   Why is childlike faith so difficult?

2)    Where (personally) does the “adultified” realities of life most attack your faith?

3)    How is mature faith anchored in childlike faith?


Bonus Reflections from the Biblical Text for Discussion


      This story is in all three of the synoptic gospels of Matthew, Mark & Luke. (They are called this because they are a synopsis of Jesus’ life.)

      Never hold back wanting a blessing from Jesus for those you love.

      In Luke it says “He then called for the parents” who had already probably turned and were moving away, He called for them “to come and bring their babies to Him.”

      Parents wanted Jesus to touch their children. Jesus did everything by touching. He healed with a touch. 

      Jesus establishes the place of children in the kingdom of God by blessing them.

      God doesn’t bless those who are cursed, and Jesus never pronounced a blessing on any other than a person who belonged in His kingdom. (Many see this as an affirmation that babies go to heaven when they die.)

      The way you enter the kingdom is in childlike faith.

–    Childlike faith has the perspective that whatever I’m asking for is within reach for God.

      Unless you come like a child, our Lord says in verse 15, self-confessedly weak, helpless, dependent, humble, with nothing to commend yourself, you can’t enter the kingdom.

      All three stories are followed by the Rich Young Ruler

      The rich young ruler wanted to earn his place into heaven and the children are enfolded in the kingdom who have done absolutely nothing to earn it.