The Faith Experiment Week 5



 Faith Experiment Week 5 Discussion Guide


Luke 11:1-13


Begin by sharing your favorite devotional from The Faith Experiment since you last met.


       Do you ever feel like you are “bothering” God with your prayers? Why did you feel that way? How have you gotten over that?

       Is there a prayer that have you given up on? When did you stopped “knocking?”

       Has there been a “one and done” prayer that after you prayed you thought you “had it covered?” How did it work out?

       What are some practical steps you could you take this week to practice faith-filled persistence?



Bonus Reflections from the Biblical Text


       Jesus gives the disciples a prayer outline with The Lord’s Prayer. (vv 1-5)

       We will not have unless we ask (vv 9 & 10)

       In the seeking there is finding and sometime when you find what you’re looking for, you will entirely change what you’re asking for.  *Example of how Josh’s “ask” changed about the motorcycle.

       Knocking displays the shameless audacity. (vv 9 & 10)

       Every time we knock the Lord sees that we want to rest our burden on him.

       What we would perceive as annoyingly obnoxious, God sees as endearingly faithful.

       ***It is still always good to examine our motives, but don’t over think it. (James 4:3) Don’t get confused into thinking, “I’m being persistent, but not getting an answer so God must not like my motives. God will not ignore you until you “get the hint”. If your motives are off, he’ll tell you directly or through someone you trust as wise. He won’t tell you your motives are off with silence.