God With Us – Week 2



Christmas question! Why do you think that such a big God started out so small on earth? Give your thoughts and then read: Col 1:15-17 & Genesis 1:26


***For Leaders – This is an initial question for wonder and discussion. Answers will vary. Quick thoughts to add to the discussion: 1) He chose not to skip any aspect of our humanity from birth to temptation to death. 2) He greased the skids for himself to become human flesh like us because he created us in His image. This gives greater significance to wearing the same flesh we wear every day.




What is in Gen 1:26 that makes our faith as believers so unique?


***For Leaders – We were not only made in the image of God, but we were made in the image of a triune God.




What is God up to in your current or most recent trials?


***For Leaders – He’s reaffirming your identity in it. We read about it with Gideon last week, we see it with Joseph this week and look hard to see how he is doing it with you. It could be from a word you heard from the Lord, a timely Bible verse or an encouragement you received from somebody. When you’re in the middle of a trial…don’t lose sight of God’s bigger story. Know that God has a bigger story that He is writing in you. This chapter of your life may be a crisis…but the story being written is a masterpiece. 




Pastor Josh said, “When you’re in the middle of a trial…do exactly what God is asking of you.” How did we see that in Joseph’s life? (See Matthew 1:20-21, Matthew 2:13, Matthew 2:19-20, Matthew 2:22)


***For Leaders – Our knowledge about Joseph may be limited, but his character shines through in the way he treated Mary when her pregnancy was revealed. Another significant aspect was Joseph recognizing how God spoke to him during his trials. Through dreams, Joseph obediently heeded God’s guidance. Today, God communicates with us through our thoughts, dreams, other people, and His Word.




In considering the question and response above, how can you discern how God is speaking to you during your trials?


***For Leaders – Participants may be unprepared to answer this question. The answer to it begins with how God has spoken to you during trials in the past. It is a question they need to continue to ask themselves so they are prepared for the storms of the future.