Jesus Over Everything Week 3



 Welcome to week three of Jesus Over Everything! Pastor Jason did a great job on Sunday giving reflection on how we need God’s Word when we process situations in life. Some of our patterns of thinking were formed when we were young, whereas others were formed over time.


1.     Explain one unique role you had in the family that you were brought up in? How did that affect you? (For example: oldest or youngest child, funniest child, most organized, peacemaker, black sheep, etc.)

  1. What is the biggest way you’ve changed since you were a child? In what way are you still the same? How have you seen your patterns of thinking change?

Focus Questions: Going Deeper Together Read Colossians 2:4-7

1.     In what two areas did Paul commend the Colossians in verses 4-5?


***For Leaders – Paul commended the Colossians on their good discipline and the stability of their faith. Follow up question to this is how do you currently demonstrate spiritual discipline in your life? If someone admits they have little spiritual discipline right now, ask them to share some of the disciplines they hope to begin. (Prayer time, bible study, accountability with others, quiet alone time with God, etc.)


2.     In verses 6-7 the Apostle Paul tells them to be rooted and strengthened in their faith. How does a believer become firmly rooted in the faith? Does good discipline have anything to do with it? If so, how?


***For Leaders – It takes time for roots to grow deep, and those roots need to be watered over an extended period. It’s impossible to grow deep roots of faith without watering them with the spiritual disciplines of prayer, personal bible study, etc. This is where mature Christians can plateau in their faith if they stop watering their roots with the spiritual disciplines.


3.     After Paul tells them to be rooted and strengthened in faith, he goes on to tell them to be overflowing with thankfulness. Why is thankfulness a factor in discipline and growth?


***For Leaders -Reading our Bibles can be done without relationship with God. Even repetitive prayer with little reflection will NOT lead you into a closer relationship with God. A commitment to be genuinely thankful summons the heart into action. It engages the heart along with the mind in the growth process! When we realize that we are not grateful, it causes us to reflect on why we are not grateful. These reflections are the make-up of a firm believer growing in their faith.


Read Philippians 4 :8-9. Pastor Jason shared how reading these verses “wrecked him” and caused him to realize he was thinking more with the world’s philosophies rather than God’s philosophies.


1.     How would your life look different if you filtered your thought processes through Phil 4:8-9?


2.     How does knowing absolute truth give us peace of mind?


Closing Moments.


If there is time, feel free to invite people to openly share more of their journey to healthier decision-making processes as they have matured in Christ. For some this has been a long journey and for others the journey has just begun! Take prayer requests and close with prayer.