Week 4:


You can have an unlimited supply of one material thing for the rest of your life, what is it?


This week Pastor Josh started an overview of the book of Revelation. He looked at how the seven churches prophetically described the seven church ages. The 7th church of Laodicea would be representative of the church age we are in now. There are things we can learn from every church referenced in Revelation 2-3, however, the church of Laodicea in chapter 3 has uncanny similarity to the church of today. What can we learn from them? And what is the encouragement God spoke to them that applies to us as well?

Scripture Reference

Revelation 1-3

Focus Questions

  1. What is your understanding of the word ‘lukewarm’? What happens if you try to cook dinner at a lukewarm temperature? Or take a bath in lukewarm water? Eat ice cream? What other things can you think of that should not be lukewarm? 
  2. What does ‘lukewarm’ mean to you in terms of its association with Christians?
  3. What is Jesus’ strongest critique of the church in Laodicea from Revelation 3:15-17? Where are you most at risk of heading toward lukewarm living? 
  4. What is dangerous about remaining lukewarm in your relationship with God?
  5. What does having a lukewarm relationship with Christ portray to unbelievers? Is there any encouragement to an unbeliever to accept God as their Lord and Savior to just end up in a lukewarm relationship?
  6. Why do we stay lukewarm? What feels safe about being lukewarm rather than ‘on fire’ for Christ? What holds us back from accepting God as the Lord of our lives even after we accept Jesus as our Savior?  
  7. If Jesus were to write you a letter personally, what would He write? How would He describe your faith? What warnings would He give? What would His encouragements be?
  8. How would you describe the remedy to lukewarm living that Jesus outlines in Revelation 3:18-21? What things can you do to get the spark back in your relationship with God?

Digging Deeper (A Personal Study)


Send Out Question

If you were to intentionally work on moving from a lukewarm faith to an “on fire” faith in your own life, how would the next week be different? Describe your life one year from now if you consistently applied this.