SERIES:  Rethinking Habits


2/14/2021: WEEK 2


Should everyone on earth get 3 wishes at the same time? Or should people get three wishes by a lottery system?


This week we concentrated on 1 Corinthians 9:19-23 noting the mission for us as Christians is to spread the gospel and the way we do that is through our methodology. This might be through serving meals, adopting a single mom and her children, or helping teach agriculture and gardening. However, whatever good we’re doing we need to be sure to stay focused on our mission: to spread the gospel. 

Scripture Reference

1 Corinthians 9:19-23

Focus Questions

  • God
  • Humans
  • Me
  • Tell Others

Read the Scripture passage referenced above out loud. What did this passage say? What did you hear? Try to repeat what you heard. (Others in your group can help you along the way.)

  1. What does this passage tell us about God, Jesus or his plan?
  2. What does this passage tell me about people? 
  3. What does this passage tell me about myself? What am I doing well? What do I need to change? If this is God’s word for my life, how will I obey it?
  4. Who needs to hear this story, and how can I tell them? Who am I going to tell?

Send Out

Read Matthew 28:16-20 about the Great Commission.

The Great Commission is when Jesus Christ instructs his disciples, and us, to spread the gospel to all the nations of the world. It is about making disciples through the gospel. When Christians talk about the gospel, they mean the truth that Jesus Christ died to pay the penalty for our sin so that we might become the children of God through faith alone in Christ alone. Simply put, the gospel is good news—the good news of what God has done in Jesus Christ. And God wants us to tell others all about this good news!

There is a lot of chatter in our society about finding our “purpose” in life. We can take classes, quizzes, and go on retreats all in the hopes to help us identify our purpose, or reason, for being here. But we already know our purpose! God tells us our purpose is to spread the Good News: the Gospel!

It is not so much our purpose that hangs us up, since we know what that is, but our methodology, or the way we’re going to deliver the gospel. 

In 1 Corinthians 9:19-23 we read about how the Apostle Paul became all things to all people in order to stay on mission and spread the gospel.

Have you ever had someone try to tell you about Jesus, but it didn’t just come across well? Maybe it was someone who you had never spoken to before. Or maybe they sounded judgmental, spoke down to you, or were loud and angry. What are some ways people share the gospel that don’t work? 

What are some things we can do to change our methodology – or how we deliver the gospel – so that we create a safe space for others to want to hear us?

What is the difference between being kind and being Kingdom Kind?

What are some people groups you can think of who would benefit from some Kingdom Kindness? (e.g., the elderly, single fathers, farmers, volunteers for certain organizations, etc.)

What is a method (something you could do) to take that first step to developing a relationship that would open the door to ultimately have a conversation about Jesus with them?

How can we be “all things to all people” and honor how someone else lives while still honoring Christ in order to build relationships that would welcome the sharing of the gospel?