
Week 1 

The War Within 

All actions in life begin with a decision in the mind before it becomes a physical reality. 

If we are yearning to experience the transformation in our lives that Jesus is offering, it can only happen by addressing what we believe in comparison to what scripture says.   


Our “why” is our motivator to experience the change we are after. 

In Romans 12:1, Paul exhorts us to have a right understanding of the mercy that has been lavished upon us.  God’s mercy and the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross are our “why”. 


Often, we will have an unbalanced view of ourselves and our sin, even when it comes to the mercy God has given and continues to give us.   

Some of us may say “there is not enough mercy to cover the wretchedness of who I am and what I’ve done” while others may believe that “I wasn’t really that far off track, and my sin hasn’t had that much of a damaging effect”.  We must look to the Word of God for our only source of truth.   




Once we know our “why”, our next step is our “what”.  Paul said in Romans, our “what” becomes a life that is “freely given as a living sacrifice to God.”  


We may look at what we may be giving up living a life that follows the way of Jesus, however, as Pastor Josh explained, these sacrifices produce results where we find ourselves not lacking but gaining.   


A large part of living our lives unto the Lord means being able to differentiate between the things of this world, and the things of God’s Kingdom.   

This is where needing a new map comes into play.  Our map is the Bible and discipleship relationships. 



In home renovations, the cheapest and quickest results come by way of layering.   

Putting new flooring on top of the old flooring, new siding over old siding, or painting over a wall covering.  These are most times quick fixes that can never allow the new product to operate as it’s intended due to the inadequate foundation it’s placed on. 


“we have to be willing to tear down each piece of drywall and each 2×4 that is rotten…and everything that is attached to my old self”-Josh Amstutz 


(use the comparison chart presented, to help assist) 


Lie:  Where’s my struggle? Truth: What’s God’s perspective? 


Identity: What do I believe that feeds Identity:  What does God’s word say? 

this lie? 


Behavior:  What behaviors do I do that Behavior:  What behaviors must I change to  

Feed this lie? find freedom in this? 




                 “God’s truth is tangible and everlasting, while a lie is a mere tainted version of it”.