
Unstoppable – Week 3 DG


Why is it important to recognize that the Gospel is for all people and not just those who are similar to us?


***For Leaders – In the sermon, the tendency to limit the sharing of the Gospel to those who are similar to us was discussed, using the example of the early Christians.




Can you think of a time when you hesitated to share the Gospel with someone different from yourself? Reflect on why that happened and how can we challenge our own biases and judgments when sharing the Gospel with others?





Why was Peter’s encounter with Cornelius in Acts 10 significant in the context of the Gospel breaking barriers?


***For Leaders – The sermon mentioned Peter’s vision and his realization that God’s grace extended to everyone, even those considered as outsiders such as Cornelius.




What lessons can you learn from this biblical story, and how can you apply them in your own life when it comes to sharing the Gospel?




What does it mean to be ‘set apart’ as Christians, but loving everyone in the world?


***For Leaders – In the sermon, it is emphasized that while Christians are called to be set apart, it is about loving everyone in the world rather than blending in with it.




How can you practice being set apart in your daily life while also reflecting God’s love for all people?



How can prayer help us fight for the souls of others, even those who we may have an emotional response against?


***For Leaders – The pastor encouraged the congregation to pray for those they have an emotional response against, and to ask the Holy Spirit for ways to fight for their souls.





Week 1 - April 7, 2024