
Foretold Week One

– Christmas is almost here! Read Isaiah 9:6-7 as a group. How can you prepare your heart and mind for this upcoming Christmas season? How can you stay more focused on Him?

– Looking at Jesus’ family tree, we see stories of deceit (Jacob), prostitution (Rahab), and murder (David). How does knowing that Jesus came from such an imperfect lineage change your perspective on your own past or family background?

– Have someone read 1 Cor 1:26-28. God works on the outskirts and gives our lives deep value. Jesus finds his home in the broken and can use anybody for his Kingdom so no one is too far gone as there is always hope. Deep down, do you truly believe how much God values you? On the flip side, when you see others, do you see them the way God does?

– Whether your family gave you a head start or what feels like weights on your ankles, Pastor Jayson explained that our family of origin doesn’t have to decide our future. What specific steps can you take to both preserve positive family legacies and break unhealthy patterns? Who could help support you in this journey?

– Pastor Jayson concluded with how God uses “unexpected people in unexpected ways.” Think about your own faith journey – what’s the most unexpected way God has worked in your life or through someone you know?