
Foretold Week 3


1. Pastor Josh shared a personal story about inheriting both valuable items and burdensome things from his father-in-law. How does this parallel the way God’s blessings sometimes come with challenges? Can you share a time in your own life when a blessing came with unexpected difficulties?

2. The sermon emphasizes that Mary’s “favor with God” led to both an incredible blessing and significant social challenges. How does this change or challenge your perspective on what it means to be “blessed” or “favored” by God?

3. We often want to skip the difficult parts of growth (like the grunt work before a promotion, or dealing with pain before healing from addiction) as described in James 1:2-4. What area of your life are you currently tempted to seek shortcuts rather than embracing the necessary struggle?

4. The sermon mentions three things God produces through our struggles: maturity, hope, and divine strength. Which of these have you experienced through past trials? Which do you feel you need most right now?

5. Pastor Josh challenged us with the question, “Am I trusting in Him, or trying on my own?” What are some practical signs or indicators in your life that help you recognize when you’re truly trusting God versus trying to handle struggles in your own strength?