
In God We Trust – Week Two DG


This week, the message revolved around the importance of unity and relationships. Gaining relationships for the sake of the gospel should be our greatest motivator, even if it appears we ourselves must lose something.  Our struggle often shows up with the need to be right or to make sure the truth is heard.  The question we’ve been challenged to wrestle with is could it be we are losing if we lose the relationship over being right or speaking only the truth?  Scripture indicates both are important, but God’s government has a different way of operating and people themselves, over everything else, seem to be his top priority.  Let’s seek ways to better operate through God’s governing authority and power.   


Leaders-Pastor Josh mentioned being disgusted with the political opinions of another person.  The Bible has much to say about the difference between discernment and judgement, but in this situation, disgust comes revulsion.  The compassionate heart and the disgusted heart seem to be opposite of each other.   


-Discuss an action step that we can take to move from being disgusted with the opinion of someone else towards being more compassionate and understanding of our brothers and sisters, even if we disagree. 



Leaders-Pastor Josh said our greatest win will be our greatest motivator, meaning whatever we believe our purpose is will drive what we do and why we do it, specifically how we interact will people that we may not see eye to eye with.   


-What is your greatest win?  (i.e. greatest motivator?) 



1 Corinthians 19-23 discusses Paul’s heart to help minister to the lost.  In the previous verses he discusses the actions steps he’s taken to gain relationships with people.  In verse 23, he gives his two “greatest wins”.  What are Paul’s greatest wins and how what do these two wins specifically mean to you? 


Similar to Josh’s example of losing arm wrestling matches, share a time of when you’ve intentionally lost in order to gain a win in a relationship.