Running from God – Week 4
Pastor Josh discussed how Jonah felt angry and upset that God showed mercy to the people he wanted to see punished, demonstrating a disconnect between Jonah’s heart and God’s heart. Have there been times in your life when you’ve felt anger toward someone because you believed they deserved a negative outcome? How did that affect your feelings towards that person?
What do you think it means to have a ‘self-centered lens’ when viewing life and situations around you?
In Jonah 4:2, Jonah states that God is ‘gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love.’ How does this scripture shape our understanding of God’s character?
Pastor Josh listed several ‘indicator lights’ such as whining and complaining, living with a self-centered mindset, and losing sight of your life’s purpose. Reflect on your own life. Are there specific areas where you notice these ‘indicator lights’ coming on? How can you address them?
Pastor Josh described how living in proximity with others who follow Jesus helps us see when we are believing lies or going in the wrong direction. What steps can you take to engage more with your community or small group to ensure you are growing and being challenged in your faith?