4/4/2021: A New “Better” Normal (Easter 2021)


Peeps or Jelly Beans?


Jesus is alive! Jesus is alive to bring you back to life. Easter reminds us of spring, new life bursting forth and new beginnings, and even more than that, Easter allows us the option of entering into a glorious life in Christ!

Scripture Reference

Ephesians 2:1-5, 8-9; Galatians 2:20; Colossians 3:1-14

Focus Questions

Read each of the Scripture passages referenced above out loud, one at a time. What did each passage say? What did you hear? Try to repeat what you heard. (Others in your group can help you along the way.) 

  1. What does this passage tell us about God, Jesus or his plan?

  1. What does this passage tell me about people?

  1. What does this passage tell me about myself? What am I doing well? What do I need to change? If this is God’s word for my life, how will I obey it?

  1. Who needs to hear this story, and how can I tell them? Who am I going to tell?

Send Out 

Is your “normal” leaving you lacking? Do you feel like something is missing? Do you find yourself feeling that things just aren’t complete, even though you are surrounded by “Christian-ness”? 

Do you need a fresh start? Something completely different?

What habits, activities, or hang-ups do you need to get rid of completely? Not just set aside or used less, but buried deep within a grave to never be seen again? 

What spiritual component do you need to ask God to put on for you? Maybe it’s patience, peace, or understanding. Perhaps you need to feel love in order to love others properly. 

God is inviting you to a Day 1 of a better normal! One where you can ask Him to only allow Christ in you and to take off the old hurts, habits and hang-ups that are getting in the way of a beautiful life with Christ at the center. 

This week, spend time thinking about what Jesus rising from the cross made possible for you and for all of humanity.