End Game Week One


What kind of emotions does discussing the return of Christ and the “End Times” illicit from you?


***For Leaders – answers will vary. What you are looking for is insecurity in salvation. Press more into the source of their fears with questions like: Why does that frighten you? How are the Bible verses on peace still significant during our last days on earth? What perspective does God want you to have? Remember as a leader that our perspective precedes our attitude 


Do you think the Return of Christ should give us peace? Why or why not?


*** For Leaders – Read 1 Thess 4:16-18 – The early believers were not afraid of Christ’s return and we can learn from them. The thought of Jesus’ return means that the evil on this earth is coming to an end. That is why they greeted one another with ”Maranatha” which means our Lord is coming.


What are some things that can interrupt the encouragement that we are supposed to feel when reflecting on the idea of Christ’s return? Read 1 John 2:15-17


***For Leaders – The Scripture from John should trigger discussion. Be specific in pointing out that placing too much emphasis on goals and hopes that are temporary will upend the peace that comes when reflecting of Jesus coming back.


Read John 14:1-4. Once again we see Jesus begin by telling us not to have our hearts troubled. How many minutes each day do you think about your eternal home and what it will be like to live there for eternity?  How much do you think we should be thinking about it?


***For Leaders – Answers will vary