End Game – Week Three



Here are some of the signs that point out that the End Times could be closer by looking at prophecy. The point of reflecting on the texts below is to heighten our knowledge and awareness that the fulfillment of prophecies could be happening right now.


Is there a point that God covered today that leapt out to you the most?


***For Leaders – Answers will vary. If a point that Josh shared is covered further below in the guide. You can get a synopsis and then go back to that person when we cover the point below. We won’t hit all the points in the guide but a few.



Read Ezek 34:13 & Isa 66:7-8


How much have you previously thought about the fact that Israel did not exist for 2000 years and was put back on the map in one day in 1948? Do you think it is a fulfillment of the prophecies in Ezekiel & Isaiah? Why or why not?


***For Leaders – Answers will vary.



Read Daniel 12:4 (Many will go here and there. This Hebrew word is to run to and fro -implication of “to travel”.)


Pastor Josh talked how knowledge is growing at an exponential rate and A.I. has added tremendously to that. How has this affected you in your daily life? How has it affected you in knowing what sources you can trust?


***For Leaders – Answers will vary.



Read Phil 3:12-14 Review of Josh and Lisa’s story tubing on the river. Josh had to let go of his tube (what was comfortable) to go after Lisa (the prize). In the context of the End Times, what things make you comfortable that you feel the Spirit is telling you to let go off?


What do you think the “prize” is for your life?


What has God been saying to you since Week One of End Game?


***For Leaders – Answers will vary.


Read Esther 4:14 Esther was a queen in the Old Testament that faced a situation that if she spoke up to the King, it could cost her her life. If she didn’t speak up then her nation of Israel would get wiped out.


If we are in the End Times then how should it affect us knowing that we were born in this moment of history for “such a time as this”? How do you think God will equip a generation of people who he decided will live in the End Times?


***For Leaders – Bottom line. We have what it takes to be born at such an amazing time in history. There is a gear that each of us have that we may not know because we have not been tested. The joy of fulfilling our call needs to be remembered here far more than any challenges of what may make us comfortable.