End Game – Week Four
You were asked in Week One, “What kind of emotions does discussing the return of Christ and the “End Times” illicit from you?” How has that changed now that we are in week four of the series?
***For Leaders – We want to start to discovering what people have taken from the series in its entirety. Answers will vary.
What has been the most challenging message for you personally during the Four-week series about the End Times?
***For Leaders – Answers will vary
Do you think you have the perspective that God wants you to have on the End Times? Why or why not?
***For Leaders – This is probably not a question that your participants have asked themselves yet. Another follow up to this question can be “Do you think your perspective is now changing the way that you live?”
Read Matthew 24:32-34. What are some realistic ways we can “keep watch” in the fast-paced culture that we live in?
***For Leaders – use this time to have people answer this question for themselves. We all face different obstacles in our lives to do this well.
How can our response to the question above have us prepared for verses 36-39?
***For Leaders – Keeping watch is our way of demonstrating in the physical how much we care about the return of Jesus.