
Gifted – Week 3 DG



Greek Word-manifestation– phanerōsis- clearly lay it out/ show

Manifestation Gifts The manifestation gifts serve to reveal/show the power of God.

These gifts are supernatural in nature.


Manifestation gifts are those that reveal the power of God and demand a response. Examples from the sermon include prophecy, speaking in tongues, faith, healing, miracles, word of wisdom, word of knowledge, and discerning of spirits.


(These three questions go together.)

Have you ever had any aversion to any of the “manifestation gifts”?

Has your opinion changed recently or over the past few years?

Do you have a greater or lesser aversion now than before?


Have you experienced or witnessed any manifestation gifts in your life? How did it impact your faith?


Can any of the manifestation gifts help us in business? Have you ever seen them used in that context?


Word of wisdom is the supernatural knowledge applied in a wise and godly way, offering insight into doctrinal truth. Word of knowledge, on the other hand, is the supernatural knowledge of facts and information that can only be revealed by God. Have you ever experienced or witnessed the gifts of word of wisdom or word of knowledge? How did these gifts help in the situation?


Pastor Josh encourages the congregation to pursue a relationship with God above all else and to seek intimacy with him, letting the gifts naturally flow as a result. How can you develop a stronger relationship with God and allow Him to reveal spiritual gifts within you?





Week 1 - April 7, 2024