Welcome to Week Five of The God Experiment! During these 12-weeks, we are personally testing the extreme nature of God and talking about it with others. Building on Pastor Josh’s weekend message, we will be unpacking his content and taking it further. Feel free to use this guide or change it to fit the dynamics of your unique huddle. Reminder: While people can journey at their own pace, Monday (January 31) starts Week Five of The God Experiment. Pastor Josh will be teaching on the weekends and huddles will be written on this schedule.
Icebreaker: Getting the conversation started.
- In your daily readings, do you have any “ah-ha” moments, questions, or challenges to what you’ve been reading? Maybe share something you wrote in the “Seek and Simmer”section for this week – pages 97 & 98.
- Optional: Need something lighter to open your huddle? Try this…The Olympics are coming up! What sport would you love to compete in if you were in the Olympics?
Focus Questions: Going deeper together.
- On Sunday, we ended the service with a time of worship with the song “Something Has to Break” and making every thought obedient to Christ. Anyone what to share what God did in that moment? Anything you are still wondering about or wrestling with?
- Turn to 1 Corinthians 2. Ask a volunteer or two to help read the chapter. (Tip: Prompt a question from #3 to be thinking about as you read.)
- (Optional – Discovery Bible Study questions) Any word or phrase stand out most in this passage? What does this passage say about God? What does it say about us?
- In verse 4, Paul makes a distinction between preaching with persuasive words and preaching by “the demonstration of God’s power.” In your opinion, what is difference between the two?
- A mature follower of Jesus has the ability to “preach” God’s truth to themselves when the enemy aims to distorts our beliefs. Is your “preaching” to yourself full of persuasion or full of power? How do you know?
- Reread verse 10-14. What role does the Holy Spirit play in knowing and understanding God? What do these verses say about our part in this process?
- This passage ends by reminding all believers that “we have the mind of Christ.” What does this mean to you and how would you explain it to someone else? (Hint: HERE is a helpful link on the power of this belief.)
- How would “the mind of Christ” tackle the week ahead? What decision or circumstance would be drastically different because God is ruling over it?
Final Challenge: A challenge from Pastor Josh’s weekend message – Allow God to be the greatest voice in your life this week. We can’t afford to have a thought in our minds that God doesn’t have about me or my situation.
Close by praying for one another and gathering names/contact information for your weekly report.