Welcome to Week Seven of The God Experiment! During these 12-weeks, we are personally testing the extreme nature of God and talking about it with others. Building on Pastor Josh’s weekend message, we will be unpacking his content and taking it further. Feel free to use this guide or change it to fit the dynamics of your unique huddle. Reminder: While people can journey at their own pace, Monday (February 14) starts Week Seven of The God Experiment. Pastor Josh will be teaching on the weekends and huddles will be written on this schedule.
Icebreaker: Getting the conversation started.
- In your daily readings, do you have any “ah-ha” moments, questions, or challenges to what you’ve been reading? Maybe share something you wrote in the “Seek and Simmer”section for this week – pages 138-139.
- Optional: Need something lighter to open your huddle? Try this…What food were you forced to eat as a kid?
Focus Questions: Going deeper together.
- On Sunday, Pastor Josh talked about faith over fear. When opposition comes your way in life, do you generally respond with faith or with fear?
- We were reminded this weekend that God has been faithful in the past so we can count on Him being faithful today. Can you think of a time when God proved to be faithful in your life? Share about that experience.
- The Israelites had these kinds of moments too! Turn to Exodus 13:17-14:31. (Tip: This is a longer passage – be sure to call on volunteers to help.)
- (Optional) Choose 2-3 Discovery Bible Study questions to talk about: (1) What do you like about this passage? (2) What is confusing about this passage? (3) What does this passage say about God? (4) What does this passage say about us? (5) How do we obey this passage? (6) Who else needs to hear this passage?
- What resources (human, natural and divine) did God provide to lead the people out of Egypt? Which ones were easier to follow than others?
- What pressures or insecurities could be piling up for Moses in Exodus 14:11-12? How does he handle the stress (v.13-14)?
- God’s faithfulness in the Exodus story was going to serve as an important anchor for the Israelites for generations to come! How do you think the Israelites would have described God to someone who had not seen these events firsthand?
- In what ways might this passage help you to trust God with your fears? What one battle would you like God to fight for you this week? (Tip: Make note of these answers. They can easily turn into a powerful time of prayer as a huddle. Consider answering this question in pairs and having people close in prayer for each other.)
Final Challenge: We are the people of God. We weren’t designed to live in fear. We were designed to exercise faith!
Close by praying for one another and gathering names/contact information for your weekly report.