The God Experiment | Week 12
The God Experiment Week 12
Welcome to Week Twelve of The God Experiment! During these 12-weeks, we are personally testing the extreme nature of God and talking about it with others. Building on Pastor Josh’s weekend message, we will be unpacking his content and taking it further. Feel free to use this guide or change it to fit the dynamics of your unique huddle. Reminder: While people can journey at their own pace, Monday (March 21) starts Week Twelve of The God Experiment. Pastor Josh will be teaching on the weekends and huddles will be written on this schedule.
Icebreaker: Getting the conversation started.
- In your daily readings, do you have any “ah-ha” moments, questions, or challenges to what you’ve been reading? Maybe share something you wrote in the “Seek and Simmer”section for week 11.
- Optional: Need something lighter to open your huddle? Try this…Pastor Josh shared a story about being caught in a lie as a kid. Do you remember a time when you were caught “red handed” as a kid?
Focus Questions: Going deeper together.
- This weekend, we talked about hidden landmines in our lives. These are strongholds, sin, and past hurts that can cause significant damage in our lives if they aren’t dealt with. Have you ever seen someone take on a “landmine” in their lives and overcome it?
- Turn to John 8:31-47. (Tip: By now, people in your huddle should be more comfortable reading the Bible to others. Ask a few volunteers to help you read the passage. Want to take it up a level? Pass out pieces of paper. Each with a question listed in Question #4 to normalize what it’s like to lead discussion. )
- Discovery Bible Study questions: (1) What do you like about this passage? (2) What is confusing about this passage? (3) What does this passage say about God? (4) What does this passage say about us? (5) How do we obey this passage? (6) Who else needs to hear this passage?
- What comes to mind when you think about freedom?
- According to this passage, where does ultimate freedom come from?
- Reread verses 34-35. What does Jesus say about the power of sin and its ability to enslave?
- What role does community play in propelling each other toward freedom? How can this group step into that this week?
Final Challenge: A reminder of a challenge from this weekend – It’s better to have a reckoning moment with God today. If you don’t deal with it today, you will pay for it someday. Find freedom in bringing landmines into the light!
Be sure to gather names/contact information for your weekly report.